Learn about Leadership Evolve, a collection by AAPL and AHA bringing digital resources to spark collaboration within organizations and across the health care field.
The collaboration results in Leadership Evolve, a thought-provoking program framed around two key issues: dyad leadership and workforce wellness.
The American Association for Physician Leadership and American Hospital Association on Tuesday announced the launch of Leadership Evolve, a collection of digital resources to spark collaboration within organizations and across the health care field.
These resources, created with busy physician leaders in mind, are framed around two key issues: dyad leadership and workforce wellness.
Topics include interpersonal qualities and behaviors as well as organizational factors, and personal, professional and organizational wellness. An interactive inventory checklist personalizes tools, prioritizing those most relevant for users.
Leadership Evolve builds upon AHA and AAPL work with the American Organization of Nurse Executives on successful dyad leadership models and will expand in the coming year to include a focus on population health.
“Our work with the AHA is reflective of how leadership must evolve to transform health care to keep pace with the needs of various populations, changes in federal regulations, new innovations and industry trends,” says AAPL President and CEO Peter Angood, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM.
“With 165 years of combined knowledge and experience, and a total reach of over 250,000 physicians, AAPL and AHA are uniquely positioned to offer content to health care leaders to advance collaboration on the delivery and quality of health care.”
Click here to read more about Leadership Evolve.
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