Also on tap on a busy day in Boston: a panel on population health, an innovation talk and a variety of peer presentations.
Also on tap on a busy day in Boston: a panel on population health, an innovation talk and a variety of peer presentations.
BOSTON, Mass. — Lunchtime takes on special importance today during the 2018 AAPL Physician Leadership Summit, when attendees will gather at midday to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Certified Physician Executive credential.
The association developed the credential in the mid-1990s to answer a growing industry call for formal certification of physician leaders. The first “graduating class” of CPEs received credentials in 1998. In the two decades since, nearly 3,000 other physician leaders have followed suit.
CPE certification has helped open doors in today’s highly competitive job market as health care organizations increasingly bring physicians into the C-suite to provide the medical perspective that their business leaders don’t have in this era of value-based care.

Barbara Linney
The luncheon, which starts at noon in the Grand Ballroom of the Boston Sheraton Hotel, will acknowledge two key figures in the care and nurturing of the CPE program. Bob Hodge, MD, CPE, FAAPL, FACP, an association member since 1978, is chairman of the board of directors of the Certifying Commission in Medical Management, a nonprofit organization chartered by AAPL to establish and maintain certification standards. Barbara Linney helped administer the CPE program during her 22-year tenure with the American College of Physician Executives, the predecessor of the AAPL, before she retired in 2012.
Today marks the opening day of the Thought Leadership Symposium portion of the Summit. This portion is designed to present ideas, concepts and conversations around health care, relevant to physician leadership.
Besides the CPE luncheon, today’s highlights include:
Population health panel showcasing the Healthy Nevada Project. Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, CPE, FAAPL, of Renown Health and Joe Gryzmski, PhD, of Desert Research Institute will discuss how researchers are using genetics, environmental data and individual health date to achieve better health with a defined region of the country (3 p.m., Constitution Ballroom).
Keynote speaker David Robertson, an MIT Sloan professor who outlines strategies for innovation that have worked at world-class companies (8 a.m., Constitution Ballroom).
A talk by Mary Miller Sallah of the Global Health Accreditation Program on the role of the physician leader in medical travel and tourism (10 a.m., Constitution Ballroom).
The first of two days of peer presentations, on such topics as communication, reliability, wellness, team-building, technology and more (9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., multiple locations).
For information about events, visit or visit the association service center on the second floor of the hotel. To claim CME or register for bonus activities, visit your membership dashboard at And check out our live blog, at
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