Announcement regarding 2021 Fall Institute.
Dear AAPL Members and Constituents,
As many of you are aware, AAPL announced in August that all attendees to our 2021 Fall Institute would need to be fully vaccinated and wear a mask while interacting during our event. As the COVID-19 Delta variant continued to surge, we reached out to registrants, SMEs, Speakers and staff to understand their comfort level with putting on an in-person event and not surprisingly, many were not comfortable, or their organizations would not allow them to attend.
We have continued to monitor the surge in the COVID-19 Delta variant, its impact on our physician leaders and the entire medical team and have continued to work with Westin Kierland realizing that our group is not the only one there and we have no control over their vaccination status or whether they wear masks.
With all that in mind, we have decided to re-imagine Fall Institute as offerings that will occur virtually in an interactive, pre-work, project-oriented approach that will be delivered later in November, December and throughout 2022. There will be more to come on this, but we are looking towards one-two day offerings to cover the objectives, exercises and projects but in a virtual manner.
For those that may still be leaning more towards in-person learning, we will move forward with in-person events in 2022 as follows:
Spring 2022 Institute – May 19 – May 22 – St. Petersburg, FL – Vinoy Renaissance Resort
Fall 2022 Institute – Oct 27 – Oct 30 – Scottsdale, AZ – Westin Kierland Resort
We appreciate your support of AAPL and look forward to engaging with you in 2022.
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