The new education offering from the American Association for Physician Leadership includes principles that physicians can apply immediately.
The new education offering from the American Association for Physician Leadership includes principles that physicians can apply immediately.

The American Association for Physician Leadership is offering a new education suite for physicians that provides tactical coursework focusing on practical topics that can be applied immediately while they venture into leadership roles within their organizations.
Fundamentals of Physician Leadership is a collection of five courses designed to enable physicians how to:
Improve consensus building by making simple tweaks to communication styles.
Improve negotiation skills to achieve a salary increase, a better schedule or even to land a new position within an organization.
Improve and optimize organizational processes regardless of standing or tenure.
Read complex financial documents and make decisions based on an organization’s financials.
Improve physician alignment through connecting employee values with corporate values.
Learn simple tactics to coach peers and manage physician performance.
“Fundamentals is outcome-focused as opposed to curriculum-focused,” said Richard Sites, the association’s chief learning officer. “As the industry changes, so has our approach to physician leadership education, and Fundamentals of Physician Leadership is designed to get physicians to think and act differently.”
Taking a step away from lectures, each course has interactive content, downloadable resources and actionable moments allowing physicians to test the material immediately within their health systems.
Fundamentals of Physician Leadership is a distance-education collection for individual physicians as well as health care organizations looking to grow their next set of leaders as a part of their talent management strategies.
“For physicians looking to build a foundation of leadership and influence, take a refresher on physician leadership or begin their track to a physician leader credential, such as the CPE, Fundamentals of Physician Leadership is a perfect blueprint collection delivered on demand,” Sites said.
Click here to learn more about Fundamentals of Physician Leadership.
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