Business leaders often shake their heads in wonder as they try to figure out “those Millennials.” A Deloitte study released in 2018 brought new insights for managers who puzzle over how to engage Millennials in today’s workforce. The researchers at Deloitte asked Millennials themselves where they feel unprepared to face life in the business world. It’s time to revisit these critical gaps as you analyze your own skills development.
Business leaders often shake their heads in wonder as they try to figure out “those Millennials.” A Deloitte study released in 2018 brought new insights for managers who puzzle over how to engage Millennials in today’s workforce. The researchers at Deloitte asked Millennials themselves where they feel unprepared to face life in the business world. It’s time to revisit these critical gaps as you analyze your own skills development.
In the May 21, 2018, issue of Inc. magazine, leadership author Scott Mautz outlines the four biggest preparation gaps based on the Deloitte survey responses, along with strategies to close them:
Interpersonal skills. Some business leaders have said that communication / interpersonal skills represent the biggest skill gap in the United States today. The primary problem with communication is “the illusion that it has taken place,” Mautz reports, when in actuality, the messages aren’t coming through. The first step in improving communication skills is recognizing there is a problem.
Confidence and motivation. Research indicates that self-reported emotional well-being among college students is at the lowest level. That lack of self-esteem often echoes in the workplace. As a leader, you play a key role in overcoming self-doubt. Be intentional in choosing your words and actions to replace seeds of doubt with seeds of hope.
Critical thinking. Millennials expressed a deficit in critical-thinking skills. To create a culture of incisive thinking:
Make analysis a requirement. Boil down reports to key elements and simple recommendations.
Ask Why? Why? Why? Get behind the problem to understand the cause and have a reason for the solution you offer.
Be aware of your biases. You will never have an open mind if you don’t understand how your preconceived ideas color your conclusions.
Seek outside input. Fresh eyes bring fresh ideas.
Innovation and creativity. Guide your staff to interesting problems in need of solutions. Connect them with your end-users to observe your services from a different angle. Keep things moving by forcing the planning committee out of the drafting room and into the prototype lab to make creativity practical.
It’s understandable — human nature, really — for each generation to wonder how successive generations will survive in the rough-and-tumble world of business. Organizations need to know that Millennials reported a sense of disappointment in how employers fared in helping them. Helping an employee develop professionally is a time-consuming and challenging project, but the results will be worth it — if you succeed. Consider expanding your “curriculum” to include broader professional development and character building.
Based on “A New Deloitte Study of 10,455 Millennials Shows They Need Help Improving These 4 Skills” by Scott Mautz. Inc. May 21, 2018.
www.inc.com/scott-mautz/new-deloitte-study-of-10455-millennials-says-employers-are-failing-to-help-young-people-develop-4-crucial-skills.html . Or read the full Deloitte report.
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