Explore a wide variety of matters facing today’s physician leaders this weekend at AAPL’s 2018 Physician Leadership Summit.
Explore a wide variety of matters facing today’s physician leaders this weekend at AAPL’s 2018 Physician Leadership Summit.
BOSTON, Mass. – In addition to a lineup of thought-inspiring talks and topical panel discussions, 22 physicians will make presentations during the Thought Leadership Symposium, which began Friday as part of AAPL’s 2018 Physician Leadership Summit.
The presentations, which take place Saturday and Sunday at the Sheraton Hotel, will examine a wide array of subjects — and suggest solutions — that physician leaders, C-suite executives and their organizations frequently face. Topics include communication, team-building, physician conflict, misconduct, wellness, patient safety, acquisitions, integrated practices and more. One even uses submarines as a model of high reliability.
Although communication is a common theme throughout many of the presentations, each addresses specific aspects of it, including its role in patient safety and quality, lawsuits, interviewing, discussions of value-based pay and collaborations.
“With this robust lineup, the hard part is going to be choosing which four to attend,” says Peter Angood, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, president and CEO of the American Association for Physician Leadership.
The presentations are separated into four groups, including three groups scheduled for Saturday and the fourth on Sunday. Each presentation lasts 45 minutes.
The Summit continues through Monday. Below, the schedule of peer presentations:
Interprofessional Communication: Learning to Speak the Same Language to Improve Patient Safety. Presented by Zulma Berrios. (Berkley Room)
Building and Sustaining High Reliability in the Air Force Medical Service. Presented by Bret Burton. (Clarendon Room)
Physician Wellness, Encompassing Mind, Body and Soul. Presented by Matthew Eschelbach. (Dalton Room)
Health Care Delivery Science Builds Brand Loyalty. Presented by Nicholas Cozzi. (Exeter Room)
Algorithmic Thinking: A Useful Technique for Quality Improvement. Presented by Judith Melin. (Gardner Room)
Prevent It, Rather Than Defend It: The Impact of Empathic Communication on Being Sued. Presented by Jeremy Blanchard. (Berkley Room)
Pairing Up to Break Down Silos: A Unique Approach to Team-Building. Presented by Michael Canady. (Clarendon Room)
Respect for People: The Most Important Leadership Principle for Success in Turbulent Times. Presented by Paul DeChant. (Dalton Room)
How May I Help You? The Impact of Communication and Motivational Interviewing Workshops on Resident Perception of Their Skills. Presented by Vipul Shah. (Exeter Room)
Leveraging Deckplate: Innovation to Optimize Patient Safety and Quality Across Navy Medicine. Presented by Bruce Gillingham. (Gardner Room)
Collaborative Care Rounds: Interprofessional Collaboration in a Community Teaching Hospital. Presented by Edgar Chedrawy. (Berkley Room)
Why Hospitals Should Dive: The Submarine Crew as a Model for a High-Reliability Organization. Presented by James Mucciarone. (Clarendon Room)
The Road to Addressing Professional (Mis)Conduct: How to Fake It Until You Make It. Presented by Ron Nutting. (Dalton Room)
Evaluations: Making the Most of a Challenging Responsibility. Presented by Amyn Rojiani. (Exeter Room)
Lean Six Sigma: A Luxury or Necessity in Health Care. Presented by Pankaj Kumar. (Hampton Room)
The CMO Role During a Time of Hospital Acquisition: Direct Experience on Successfully Engaging Your Staff. Presented by Robert Insoft. (Berkley Room)
A Multidisciplinary Model for Chronic Renal Disease Care. Presented by Terrence Jay O’Neil. (Clarendon Room)
Physician Conflict: Managing Conflict When You Can’t Avoid One. Presented by Umesh Sharma. (Dalton Room)
One Small Safety-Net Clinic’s Experience with an Integrated Practice Unit. Presented by Anne VanGarsse. (Exeter Room)
Value-Based Pay: Communicating the “Why” to Frontline Physicians. Presented by Edward Yu. (Gardner Room)
Geometric Communication. Presented by Bryan Becker. (Hampton Room)
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