The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) announces the publication of Lucrative Practices: The Comprehensive Handbook for Healthcare Executives.
The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) announces the publication of Lucrative Practices: The Comprehensive Handbook for Healthcare Executives. Written as a business reference guide for healthcare executives, office managers and professionals in independent practice, Lucrative Practices includes detailed “how to” discussions and instructions, tips, forms, templates and guides.
Starting and owning a well-run, successful practice are two of the most rewarding activities in which a healthcare professional can engage. However, staying ahead of the curve in our ever-changing industry environment can feel burdensome and can be disheartening. The fact is that at the end of the day, clinicians are trained in their science, not in business. This can ultimately result in a costly, inefficient, trial-and-error approach to practice management.
The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) announces the publication of Lucrative Practices: The Comprehensive Handbook for Healthcare Executives. Written as a business reference guide for healthcare executives, office managers and professionals in independent practice, Lucrative Practices includes detailed “how to” discussions and instructions, tips, forms, templates and guides. This new book provides practical, rich content that boils down to immediately actionable solutions and helps reduce the drudgery of putting out the daily fires that weigh down so many practices.
There is no substitute for knowledge and experience. No matter how bright and clever a manager is, they are destined to make costly errors and miss valuable opportunities if they manage through trial-and-error and best guesses. Readers of Lucrative Practices will learn from the successes and failures of others how to organize, structure, and operate their business so that it is as profitable and rewarding as it can be.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: Becoming a Healthcare Entrepreneur
Your Vision
Your Business Plan
Naming Your Business and Choosing a d/b/a
Legally Organizing Your Business
Sole Proprietorships
General Partnerships
LLCs, PLLCs, PAs, and PCs
S-Corps versus C-Corps
Permits, Licenses, and Numbers
National Provider Identifier Number (NPI)
Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS) Registration
Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN)
Unique Physician Identification Number (UPIN)
Professional Licenses
Drug Enforcement Agency Number
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Employer
Identification Number (EIN)
Business Licenses
Certificates of Occupancy (CO)
Chapter 2: Starting Up Your Business
Finding and Making a Home for Your Practice
Choosing Office Space: The Cost-to-Benefit Ratio
Buy, Rent, or Lease
Leasing or Renting Office Space
Reviewing a Real Estate Lease
Property Insurance for Leased Space
What About Parking?
The Importance of Signage
Equipping Your Office
Lease or Buy?
Considering Telephone Systems
Computer Software and Website Resources
Software for Billing
Software for Scheduling Appointments
Electronic Health Records
Insurance Confirmation Websites
Accounting and Payroll Software
Card Scanner Software
Credit Card Payment Processors
Email Programs
Instant Messaging and Text Messaging
Telehealth Programs
Contact-Tracking Software
Productivity-Enhancing Software
Basic Office Software
Miscellaneous Office Software
Data Storage and Destruction
Chapter 3: Relationships With Banks
The Business of Banking and Finance
Understanding Banking Fees
Choosing a Checking Account
Using Sweep Accounts
Making Deposits
Paying Bills Online
Loans and Other Forms of Credit
Lines of Credit
Business Term Loans
Credit Card Account Management
Chapter 4: Sales, Marketing, Branding And Community Relations
Marketing Is Not Sales
Marketing Activities
Marketing for Healthcare Entrepreneurs
Sales Activities
Networking and Community Relations
Reputation Management
Chapter 5: Patient Relations
Understanding Your Customers and Constituents
Patient Retention: A Patient’s-Eye View of Your Practice
Keeping Patients Informed – No Surprises
Managing No-Shows and Late Cancellations
Gauging Patient Satisfaction
Avoiding Malpractice Claims and Licensing Board Complaints
Addressing Complaints and Malpractice Claims
Terminating Patient Care
Chapter 6: Labor Relations
Hiring and Retaining Valuable Employees
Determining Salaries and Wages
Employing Other Professionals
The Progressive Corrective Action Plan
Hiring Independent Contractors
Outsourcing Work
Hiring Consultants
When Employees Leave or Retire
A Word About Contracts and Trust
Chapter 7: Working With Insurance Companies
Insurance Company Relationships
Glossary of Health Insurance Terms
Allowed Amount
Balance Billing
Burden of Enrollment
Coordination of Benefits
Deductible Amount
Diagnosis-Related Groups
Fee For Service
In-Network and Out-of-Network
Noncovered Services
Not Medically Necessary
Place of Service
Relative Value Units
Single-Case Agreements
Utilization Reviews
What Is Health Insurance?
Insurance Industry Organizational Structures
Indemnity Plans
Managed Care Organizations
Health Maintenance Organizations
Preferred Provider Organizations
Exclusive Provider Organizations
Chapter 8: The Cash Flow Cycle
Billing and Collections
Billing and Collections Are Not the Same Thing
Essential References and Guides for Billing
Billing Procedures
The Minimum Data Set for Successful Billing
Before Your Patient Arrives
Billing – The Back-Office View
How Money Flows In
When Your Patient Arrives
Letters of Protection
Payments from Insurance Companies
Explanations of Benefits and Electronic Remittance Advice
Coordination of Benefits
Successful Collections from Insurance Companies
Collecting Past-Due Accounts
Past-Due Insurance Claims
Past-Due Patient Balances
Tracking Accounts Receivable
Credit Balances
Cash Outflow
Accounts Payable
Paying Employees and Contractors
Paying Yourself
Dividends and Bonuses in Multi-Partner Groups
Chapter 9: Laws And Government Relations
Paying Taxes
Income Taxes
Payroll Taxes
Transmitting Taxes
Types of Laws
Statutory Law
Regulatory Law
Case Law
An Annotated Glossary of Some Legal Concepts and Terminology
Laws Addressing Fraud and Abuse
The False Claims Act of 1863
Federal Anti-Kickback Statute
Stark Laws
Laws Addressing Healthcare Delivery
The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015
Laws Governing Patient Rights
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
The 21st Century Cures Act (PL 114-255)
The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act of 1977
The Controlling the Assault of Nonsolicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM)
Business Laws
The Sherman Antitrust Act
The Clayton Antitrust Act
Potentially Monopolistic or Anticompetitive Practices
Labor and Employment Laws
The Fair Labor Standards Act
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Whistleblower Protections
Chapter 10: Retirement And Long-Range Planning
Retirement Planning
Individual Retirement Plans
Simplified Employee Pension IRA
401(k) Plans
Transition and Exit Planning
Professional Wills
Selling Your Business
Asset Sales and Stock Sales
SWOT Analyses
Valuing Your Practice
Chapter 11: Future Directions
The Blurring of Lines and Roles
Delivery Models of the Future
A Word About Single-Payer System (SPS)
About Michael B. Spellman, Ph.D.

Dr. Spellman is a Healthcare Practice Consultant with more than 30 years of experience in a wide range of healthcare practice types and settings. He is fond of saying that “Practice consultancy provides the best possible education. Where else can you learn from other’s successes and from their mistakes?”
Having founded, purchased, sold, and consulted to practices of all sizes, Dr. Spellman is a “doctorpreneur.” He knows first-hand what it takes to be successful as a healthcare professional starting, running, and ultimately selling a healthcare business.
A frequent speaker on the subject of The Business of Practice, Dr. Spellman continues to practice part-time. His training as a Psychologist adds an understanding of human motivations and human behaviors to his writings, lectures, and to his recommendations. His experiences as a Commissioner on Florida’s Commission on Mental Health and Substance Abuse and as the longstanding Chairman of a Political Action Committee, allow Dr. Spellman to understand and make use of the political, regulatory, economic, and social forces that influence the healthcare industry.
About the American Association for Physician Leaders
The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) is focused on the personal transformation of all physicians, and through them the organizations they serve. With the goal of improving patient outcomes, workforce wellness, and a refinement of all healthcare delivery, AAPL has remained the only association solely focused on providing professional development, leadership education, and management training exclusively for physicians. Since its founding in 1975, AAPL has educated 250,000+ physicians across 40 countries—including CEOs, chief medical officers and physicians at all levels of healthcare.
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