Read about the 64 physician leaders who earned the AAPL Certified Physician Executive designation and were recognized on May 4 during 2019 Spring Summit.
The Certifying Commission in Medical Management awards the designation after the physicians complete required coursework and a 3½-day capstone event.
The American Association for Physician Leadership recognized physicians who recently earned the Certified Physician Executive designation on Saturday during its 2019 Spring Summit in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Sephora Morrison, of Children's National Health System in Washington, D.C., receives congratulations from AAPL President and CEO Dr. Peter Angood. She earned her CPE from the November 2017 capstone. | Rachel Gillespie/AAPL
The Certifying Commission in Medical Management awarded the designation after the physicians completed required coursework and completed a 3½-day capstone event.
The most recent capstone, Feb. 21-24 in Tampa, Florida, produced 64 new CPEs.
CPEs from the past five capstones were hosted at the Summit's awards ceremony.
Before those attending were recognized, incoming commission chair John Jurica, MD, MPH, CPE, was introduced by AAPL President and CEO Peter Angood, MD, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM. Jurica, founder and medical director of PromptMed Urgent Care in Lake County, Illinois, earned his CPE in 2012.
Physicians who earn a CPE can more easily transition from a clinical role to a health care leadership position.
The association marked the 20th anniversary of the credential’s first full “graduating class” in 2018.
Click here to learn more about the CPE program.
Here are the CPEs from the February 2019 capstone:
Bansal, Shalabh "Mickey", MD, MBA, FAAP
Bennetts, Geni, MD, MA
Eisenstock, Kimberly, MD
Elliott, Trent, DO, MPH
Estrada, Christine, DO, MBA, MPH
Freeman, Kimberly, MD
Gear, Melissa, MD, MPH
Gilg Gachiani, Nicole, MD, MPH
Giullian, Jeffrey, MD
Godamunne, Karim, MD, MBA
Greenstein, Annette, MD
Haile, Zewdu, MD
Bozung, Tracy, MD, MPH
Hardesty, Glenn, DO
Harvey, Charles, DO
Holmes, Robert, DO, MS, FIDSA
Jackson, Phyllis, MD
Jani, Ajaykumar, MD, MBA
Jenkins, Gregory, MD, FACP
Joseph, Julie, MD, MPH
King, Stuart, MD, MBA
Kitchen, Steven, MD, MS
Larson, Paul, MD, MS, MBA
Bruck, Lance, MD
Laslie, Winton, MD, MPH
Liesching, Timothy, MD
Lorenzo-Rivero, Shauna, MD
Makadia, Parin, MD, MBA
Malcharek, Paul, MD
Martus, Wesley, MD, MBA, FACEP
McAviney, Hattie, DO, MPH
McCleary, Marc, MD
Navel, David, MD, MPH
Neese, Lyndsey, MD
Castellone, James, MD, MBA
Nimmagadda, Krishna, MD
Nwachukwu, Chisom, MD
Oligschlaeger, David, DO
Parikh, Neil, MD, MPH
Pedersen, Rebecca, MD
Poole, Kenneth, MD, MBA, FACP
Rahmin, Michael, MD
Schaufele, Michael, MD
Schweizer, Heather, MD
Sciuto, Brooke, MD
Catania, Victor, MD, MBA
Semeniuk, Ross, MD
Smith, John, MD
Sullivan, Anne, MD
Supe, Dana, MD, MBA
Thompson, Valerie, MD
Valentine, Nathan, MD
Vaughn, Lindsey, MD
Vigliotti, Donald, MD
Vora, Anup, MD, MBA
Wakabayashi, Mark, MD, MPH
Coffman, Jennifer, MD
Wangard, Christopher, MD
Wardono, Ira, MD
Weinstein, Jeffrey, MD
Wells, Allison, MD, MBA
Collison, Craig, MD
Creach, Kimberly, MD
Dy, David, DO
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