Attendees at the AAPL 2018 Physician Leadership Summit gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Boston Sheraton Hotel on Saturday for a luncheon to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the CPE credential.
Attendees at the AAPL 2018 Physician Leadership Summit gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Boston Sheraton Hotel on Saturday for a luncheon to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the CPE credential.
Attendees at the AAPL 2018 Physician Leadership Summit gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Boston Sheraton Hotel on Saturday for a luncheon to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Certified Physician Executive credential.
The first “graduating class” of CPEs received credentials in 1998. In the two decades since, nearly 3,000 other physician leaders have followed suit.
The luncheon acknowledged two key figures in the care and nurturing of the CPE program:
Barbara Linney, who helped administer the CPE program during her 22-year tenure with the American College of Physician Executives, the predecessor of the AAPL, before she retired in 2012. She was honored Saturday by AAPL President and CEO Peter Angood, MD, FRCS(S), FACS, MCCM, and AAPL Chief Learning Officer Richard Sites.
Bob Hodge, MD, CPE, FAAPL, FACP, an association member since 1978, who is chairman of the board of directors of the Certifying Commission in Medical Management, a nonprofit organization chartered by AAPL to establish and maintain certification standards. He was not able to attend the luncheon.
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