The association’s elite group of seasoned leaders will gather for two days of presentations on critical topics within health care leadership.
The association’s elite group of seasoned leaders will gather for two days of presentations on critical topics within health care leadership.
The dictionary defines “vanguard” as a “position at the forefront of new developments or ideas,” and that’s where physician leaders — by nature of their role — find themselves. However, the American Association for Physician Leadership has recognized the need for a higher level of thought leadership in the ever-changing realm of health care.
That’s among the reasons AAPL has reinstituted its Vanguard Program, bringing together the organization’s most experienced executives for invitation-only presentations, education and networking opportunities.
The Vanguard Program’s the first networking opportunity will be at the Physician Leadership Summit’s Thought Leadership Symposium in Boston on Sunday and Monday, April 29-30.
Note: Presentations in Back Bay Ballroom A
3 p.m. — Welcome
Presenter: Peter Angood, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, president and CEO of AAPL
3:15 p.m. — Economics of Health Care and the Impact of Unexpected Events
Presenter: Ram Raju, MD, senior vice president of Northwell Health, New York
3:50 p.m. — Unexpected Event: Disaster Scenario
Presenter: Gregory Ciottone, MD, FACEP, FFSEM, an emergency physician, director of Disaster Medicine at Harvard University in Massachusetts, and White House special consultant on disaster medicine
4:30 p.m. — Workforce Disruption
Presenter: Peter Buerhaus, PhD, RN, FAAN, a nursing professor and director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies, Montana State University
5:30 p.m. — Vanguard networking reception in ballroom foyer
8:30 a.m. — Industry Disruption (Mergers/Acquisitions and Technology/Digital)
Presenters: James Daniel, a health care attorney specializing in new delivery models and alignment structures; and Jason Lineen, vice president for strategy with Avia Health Innovation
9:30 a.m. — Finance Disruption
Presenter: Frank J. Lexa, MD, MBA, FACR, a neuroradiologist and professor in the medical imaging department at the University of Arizona, as well as an author and consultant on issues related to the business of health care
10:30 a.m. — Closing Remarks
Presenter: Peter Angood, MD, CPE, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, president and CEO of AAPL
The group will gather Sunday and Monday during the AAPL 2018 Physician Leadership Summit in Boston, Massachusetts.
Vanguard members are fellows or distinguished fellows who have attained the Certified Physician Executive designation. They have demonstrated a commitment to physician leadership through membership, tenure and experience with AAPL and the health care industry.
Members serve on review panels, analyze and abstract topical discussions, write articles for AAPL publications, and represent the association at public events. Their counsel is sought by the association’s board of directors and they help guide its future.
The program is “designed to provide high-level programming and networking to match seasoned physician leaders’ sophisticated degree of experience in leadership education, achievement and dedication to improving the industry,” says Peter Angood, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, president and CEO of the association.
The two-day Boston program includes special presentations on critical topics within health care leadership, including disaster response, workforce disruption, industry disruption and finance disruption. Among the highlights:
Gregory Ciottone, MD, FACEP, FFSEM, an internationally recognized expert on emergency management, will lead a presentation on disaster scenarios. Ciottone’s résumé includes consulting in more than 30 countries and domestically for several federal agencies. He is also the White House’s special consultant on disaster medicine.
In a presentation on workforce disruption, nurse and health care economist Peter Buerhaus, PhD, RN, FAAN, will discuss physician shortages, nurse staffing levels and how physicians can work more effectively with the increasing numbers of nonphysician clinicians.
Frank J. Lexa, MD, MBA, FACR, a neuroradiologist and consultant on health care business issues, will talk about financial disruption. Lexa, a professor in the medical imaging department at the University of Arizona, has given more than 2,000 academic, educational, business and grand rounds lectures, and has chaired and directed numerous educational meetings for academic, professional and business organizations.
The Vanguard group first met in April 2006 after AAPL, then known as the American College of Physician Executives, designated the new level of membership to honor longstanding commitment to the organization. The format recognized the experience, education, position and achievements of AAPL’s more-experienced members.
“Camaraderie, networking, growth and adventure are the touchstones of the Vanguard,” the organization said when establishing the program.
Click here to learn about Vanguard membership requirements and to determine eligibility.
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