In this SoundPractice episode Hanah Polotsky and Lisa Williams discuss their extensive careers in healthcare leadership, insights from their book on effective leadership, addressing physician burnout, the importance of strategic thinking, and how exa...
The author's non-linear medical career journey, balancing motherhood and professional goals, led to diverse roles and fulfillment in the AMWA, emphasizing adaptability and mentorship.
The first two years of medical school are overwhelming. Juggling assignments, national board exams, and intense study can lead to burnout. But remember, you're not alone.
Trust within organizations isn’t easy to pin down. But trust is the crucial ingredient of organizational effectiveness. Building it, maintaining it, and restoring it when it is damaged must be at the top of every chief executive’s agenda.
Drawing on extended interviews with outgoing executives, this article discusses the five psychological crossroads that leaders face when they step down and offers advice on what boards and CEOs can do to navigate each one more deftly.
Believing the conventional wisdom that they have roughly 90 days to prove themselves, many new CEOs get into trouble by launching bold initiatives before they’ve won the support and trust they need to effect change.
Learning how to delegate well is a skill every first-time manager needs to learn from the very start. Many people are promoted into management for doing their previous job well. But once you’re promoted into a leadership role, you must accept that yo...
Research suggests that the most effective leaders adapt their style to different circumstances — be it a change in setting, a shift in organizational dynamics, or a turn in the business cycle. But what if you feel like you’re not equipped to take on ...
Surfacing the undiscussables on your team may be uncomfortable, but it must be an ongoing campaign, or they will sneakily build up in the background and impact your employees’ morale. In this article, the author explains how to spot the classic signs...
High stakes, strong wills, and increasing uncertainty can make decisions at the top of your organization fraught. The backing of a board can mobilize an organization, but a significant divergence of vision and values may lead the board to stall progr...
Processing feedback goes far beyond listening to it in the moment and implementing it; it involves continuous reflection, conversation, and practice. While much of this happens because of the way we receive feedback, there is much we can do, too, to ...