Here is what your colleagues are talking about in the online community.
The AAPL Membership Open Forum: Connect with Your Peers
Physician Leadership Connect is an online community for physician leaders to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and support one another. The community’s early success has demonstrated the importance of our community coming together in these challenging times.
Here’s what your colleagues are talking about:
APP Supervision Incentives
I was wondering if anybody would feel comfortable sharing their compensation model for what incentives they use for physicians to supervise APPs. I currently am the System Medical Director for a large hospitalist group that covers 5 acute care facilities. Our total staffing model consist of 140 full-time FTEs. We have been asked by our system to continue to expand our services. Due to this, it has been difficult to recruit physicians and I would like to expand my APP team. With that in mind, I am looking at different incentives that would lead physicians to supervise advanced practitioners. Can anyone tell me the models to use?
Satellite Ob/Gyn Practice
We have about 15 Ob/Gyns at our community hospital. Many of these practices were acquired and the physicians became employed about 3-4 years ago. We’ve since undergone an acquisition.
We have an Ob/Gyn practice about 40 minutes away from the hospital. Our physicians at that practice are being asked for additional compensation for daytime deliveries as they are required to cancel their clinic to attend their deliveries. As of now, all of our physicians are on a productivity-based contract. Most of our physicians practice right next to L and D and can perform deliveries without missing anything in clinic.
Does anyone else have similar arrangements? Is this common practice?
How to Fill the Gap?
How to fill the gap between a position and a strong portfolio of significant qualifications, experience, skill set. Trying to learn, what could be missing?
Correctional Medicine
There is an emerging specialty: that of Correctional Medicine. This is an interesting, challenging, and evolving area of medicine. While once an area where “troubled” physicians practiced, it is now where trained, dedicated physicians with unencumbered licenses are finding an area where they can contribute to the health and welfare of people incarcerated. They are persons who have had challenging lives. They are not “bad people” but may have done unacceptable acts.
The American College of Correctional Physicians (ACCP) is an organization of correctional providers that educates and supports those providers who work in these challenging and rewarding conditions. I welcome anyone who would like to talk about correctional medicine. The ACGME is in the process of evaluating correctional medicine with the possible goal of it becoming a certified specialty.
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